All the users can choose & use 8 free avatars in #Lucretius #MetaVerse. Do you want to be different.

24 Oct 2022, 12:02
All the users can choose & use 8 free avatars in #Lucretius #MetaVerse. Do you want to be different? Buy customized #Avatar #NFT from the #Lucretius avatar's collection, and you can use it in the metaverse. Here is one of them. Check out GORO #3111. 21,210 $LUC Lucretius Avatar's #NFT collection will be minted on #XRPL and owners of the NFTs can use it in the metaverse. All the NFTs are unique, limited & no copy. #Lucretius Avatars will not be cheap. Try to buy the amount earlier if you are willing to have your own avatar. #XRPL